Blast chiller/freezer 10x GN 1/1 TouchScreen stainless steel 400 V | RM - IS 1011

Product no - 00008779 / Model: IS 1011
radio_button_checked Available at the central warehouse
  • Shock cooling cycle kg / min (+3 ° C): 45/90
  • Shock freeze cycle kg / min (-18 ° C): 30/240
  • Maximum device temperature [°C]: -40
  • Probe: 4-points
  • Insulation thickness [mm]: 80
  • Control type: Touchscreen
  • Display size: 9"
  • User programmable cycles: Yes, with save options
  • Thaving cycle: Yes
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Key properties

ico_400V_3N.webp ico_TOUCH.webp ico_defrost.webp ico_Qcool.webp ico_Qfrozen.webp ico_fridge.webp ico_haccp.webp ico_USB_SD.webp ico_wifi_2.webp
Catalog price without VAT
18,393.00 EUR
Technical details
SAP Code00008779
Net Width [mm]790
Net Depth [mm]839
Net Height [mm]1650
Net Weight [kg]179.00
Gross Width [mm]846
Gross depth [mm]860
Gross Height [mm]1780
Gross Weight [kg]190.10
Device typeElectric unit
MaterialAISI 304
Exterior color of the deviceStainless steel
Opening of deviceHinges on the left
Power electric [kW]1.600
Loading400 V / 3N - 50 Hz
Control typeTouchscreen
Display size9"
Number of GN / EN10
GN / EN size in deviceGN 1/1
GN device depth65
Maximum device temperature [°C]-40
Shock freeze cycle kg / min (-18 ° C)30/240
Shock cooling cycle kg / min (+3 ° C)45/90
Insulation thickness [mm]80
Long-term cooling functionYes
Longterm freezing functionYes
Interior lightingYes
Thaving cycleYes
User programmable cyclesYes, with save options
USB portYes, for HACCP and firmware update
Real time monitoring paramatersEnergy consumption, Chamber temperature, Probe temperature, Graph with the course of temperature and consumption
Technical support

Main contact:
Telephone: +420 777 857 725

Service contracts in Prague and the Central Bohemia region:
Telephone: +420 281 869 242

Service contracts in the regions of South and East Bohemia, Vysočina, South Moravia and the Olomouc region:
Telephone: +420 281 869 243

Spare parts:
Telephone: +420 222 745 853
Cell phone: +420 608 066 811

Technical support:
Cell phone: +420 606 791 156

Working hours:
Mo-Fri: 8:00-17:00

  • K čemu slouží MeteoSystém?
    MeteoSystem je patent, který kontroluje vlhkost uvnitř varného prostoru. Měří rozdíl vlhkosti uvnitř prostoru a stanoveným parametrem, čímž reguluje přívod a odvod vlhkosti prostřednictvím odvodní ventilace. Dokonalá kontrola vlhkosti nezáleží na množství pokrmů v konvektomatu – výsledek bude vždy stejný a manipulace pro nastavení minimální.
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